When you're arranging short term car insurance, it's important to be prepared with all the necessary documents. This helps ensure a smooth process, and that you can get your insurance cover in place as quickly as possible.
Driver's Licence
The most important document you'll need is your driving licence. It's essential to provide accurate details about your driving licence number, and the date when the licence was issued. If you have a photocard licence, make sure it's up to date and valid for the period when you'll need the insurance.
V5C Registration Document
Also known as the log book, the V5C registration document is an important document that verifies the registered keeper of the vehicle. While it's not always required, it can be beneficial to have this document to hand. If you don't have this document because you're borrowing the car, make sure you have the owner's permission to insure the vehicle.
Details of the Vehicle

You'll also need to provide the details of the vehicle you wish to insure. This includes the make and model, the vehicle registration number, and any modifications made to the vehicle.
No Claims Bonus Details
If you have a no claims bonus from a previous insurance policy, you'll need to provide details. This is typically documented on your latest renewal notice or a letter from your previous insurer. Remember, a no claims bonus can help reduce the cost of your short term car insurance policy.
Previous Insurance Details
If you've held insurance policies in the past, you may need to provide information about these. This could include the insurance provider's name, the type of policy, and any claims made during the policy period.
Getting your documents in order can help ensure a quick and easy process when applying for short term car insurance. The system is designed to provide quick and convenient quotes from a range of insurers, making it simple and straightforward to find the right insurance solution for your needs. Remember, if you're planning to insure a vehicle you've borrowed, ensure you have the owner's permission. Start the process today by getting a quote online, without the need to contact anyone.