insurance for a borrowed car

Can I Get Short Term Car Insurance for a Leased Car?

If you've leased a vehicle, it's essential to ensure that you have the appropriate insurance in place. But what about short term car insurance? Can you obtain it for a leased vehicle? Here's what you need to know.

The Importance of Car Insurance for Leased Vehicles

When you lease a vehicle, you're required to carry a certain level of insurance cover. This protects the interests of the leasing company, who technically owns the vehicle, as well as your own. Typically, this insurance must include both collision and comprehensive cover.

Short Term Car Insurance for Leased Vehicles

drivers with short term car insurance
Some policies cover leased vehicles!

Yes, you can indeed get short term car insurance for a leased vehicle. It could be a cost-effective option if you only need the car for a short period or if your regular insurance doesn't fully cover your requirements. Always check with the leasing company first to ensure you comply with their insurance requirements.

Benefits of Short Term Car Insurance on Leased Vehicles

There are many benefits to obtaining short term car insurance for a leased vehicle. It offers flexibility and can be an affordable option. This insurance can be easily tailored to your needs and budget, making it a sensible choice for many motorists.

Obtaining Short Term Car Insurance for a Leased Car

The system provides you with instant online quotations from a panel of insurers for comparison. It's a simple and quick process, requiring no phone calls or physical paperwork. This convenience allows you to compare and choose the best insurance option for your needs with minimal effort.


In conclusion, yes, it is possible to obtain short term car insurance for a leased vehicle. This type of insurance can offer you the flexibility and cost-effectiveness you may need. Just remember to check with your leasing company first to ensure you meet their requirements. Ready to find a competitively priced short term car insurance policy? Start comparing quotes instantly online today. It's a quick and straightforward process.

Click here for quick online quotes!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I buy short term insurance?     How does temporary insurance work?     What is the difference between a short term and an annual policy?     Can I get car insurance for one day?     Will my car be eligible for a policy?     Will I need a credit check?     Which documents will I need to get a policy?     Does short term insurance cover European travel?     Can I drive a car belonging to a family member?     Can a policy be extended?     How would this insurance affect my normal policy?     How do I find the best policy?     How do I use it for buying a second hand car?     Is this insurance expensive?     Is it suitable for students?     What is the minimum short term car insurance period?     What is one day car insurance?     Is breakdown cover included?     How will it affect my no claims bonus?     Can I use it to insure a leased car?     Do I need insurance for a test drive?     Can I insure a car for a weekend?     Can I insure an electric car short term?     Would it cover me for commuting to and from work?     Can non-UK residents buy a policy?     Can I use it for taxing a car?     Can I use it for towing a caravan?     Is short term insurance cheaper for women?     What is the maximum time I can buy a policy for?     Can I buy a policy if I am under 21?     Can I buy short term insurance with a provisional licence?     Can I buy a policy if I have previous claims?     Can I insure a borrowed car?     Can I use temporary car insurance for a van?     Can I use temporary insurance for a car I am selling?     Can I use it for holiday travel?     What is covered under short term car insurance?